By peter mboroki via facebook
- Teacher: Compare and contrast political assassinations in the regimes of Jomo Kenyatta and Uhuru Kenyatta.
- Student 1: Teacher did you mean between Jomo Kamaliza I and Uhuru Kamaliza II Teacher: I meant between the two presidents who had filial relations.
- Student 2: Teacher you mean who between the father and the son is doing best in dispatching most Kenyans to an early grave?.
- Teacher: You are a \good student. Try answering that. .
- Student 1: Kamaliza I did good. He killed the following, M’marete Baimuingi, Pio Gama Pinto, Argwings Kodhek, Tom Mboya, Dr. Muthiora, J.M Kariuki.
- Student 2: Uhuru Kamaliza Kenyatta is doing better. If you want to believe Bensouda, he has dispatched quite a batch. If you however think Bensouda is useless this is a better list. Within a short period, Kamaliza II has helped exterminate the following: George Saitoti, Mutula Kilonzo, George Thuo, Otieno Kajwang, Fidel Castro, and today George Muchai and we are only in the second year. The list will keep growing…!.
- Teacher: Well done students. I hope I won’t be transferred to Duale’s Northeastern where they hate nywele Ngumu while supporting Kenyattas.