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A must read:-2025 Checklist

2025 checklist  1 1. Being kind and humble while not tolerating disrespect 2. Trying each time we fail or succeed 3.  More grass fed beef  4. More Avocados  5. More eggs 6. More early morning prayers 7. Early morning or evening in the Gym 8. More Kefir  9. More books 10. No seed oils  11. No sugar 12. No wheat 13. No alcohol 14. More cruciferous vegetables  15. More intermittent fasting  16. More sauerkraut  17.  No TV 18.  Proper hydration with a pinch of pink Himalayan salt  19. More walking with a target of 10000 steps daily. 20. No BJs . No CJs. Your mouth is not a sexual organ. Mahali gynaecologist anatumia mask , gloves Na speculum wewe unataka kutumia mdomo na ulimi yako kama litmus paper  21. No processed food 22. No small goals  23. Block ijiots  24. More peace. More happiness 25. More friends with benefits  2025 Checklist 2 1. Quit all dowry/ rûracio WhatsApp groups. Respect your wife by working fo...


During the Second World war, Adolf Hitler created a special brigade known as the brave "Stubble Hoppers" Brigade. They were dare-devil and above the law. In every operation they conducted no life was left undestroyed including even that of wildlife. They were feared for their cold blood murder of Hitler's perceived opponents. The brigade also specialized in raiding private banks and central bank and later blamed it on the "dirty pigs" (Jews). They regularly raided the Central Bank of Germany and could cart away billions of Deutschmarks together with golds, silvers, diamonds without anyone raising a figure. That was how dreaded they were. The billions of Marks thus raided would be hauled to Hitler's numerous widely spread bunkers in Germany and Austria. It is therefore very interesting that, almost a century later, a Kenya leader ruling in an invariably different political dynamics, would cart away from the central bank of Kenya, a cool ksh.15 billion of shillings to the State House! Now if your tribesmen who sit at the State house collectively scheme to raid the public coffers to a tune of billions of your own money, of which they spend on their families, a few relatives and friends, one then wonders as to why exactly do Kenyans have to slaughter each other with zeal over the presidency as if their lives depend on the stolen billions? Moreover, it has emerged that every MP cart away hundred of millions of shilling from their CDF. If you are in doubt, please read the Controller&Auditor-General (C- &AG) report. Here at home in Taita-Taveta County a cool Ksh. 300million of shillings have been reported by the C&A-G to have been transferred to a none-existent project titled "medical training college". It is yet be traced like the 15B.I believe you never saw a cent,and yet the project is a phantom. Our Governors too are carting away hundreds of millions of shillings from the County Treasuries across the country. The most ironical one is the the Senate which majorly consists of former MPs with serious audit queries over the missing millions of shillings from the CDF and who now want their perks raised and have even passed a law authorizing themselves to control the county resources through County Development Boards. You see, that is the more reason why i am not shading any tears for Kisumu Senator, Prof. Anyany' Nyongo' unceremonious send off by Kisumu youths who were and still are against the CBD, when he attempted to chair the first Kisumu CDB meeting. Good boys, keep it up! Of course, I am not about to forget or omit the MCAs' cart away too. They are not to be left behind. Though, on face value, they may appear to be feeding on "mukia" in the name of foreign visits where they earn hundred thousands of shillings. But, it is important to note that 47 'mukias' are almost equal to 24 bulls. It is therefore imperative that you don't codon this conduct by being a passive witness to this wanton theft of public properties even if you are a political soul mate, friend or relative of the president, governor, senator, MP and MCAs.
