We’ve all heard of the Lewinsky-Clinton office romance saga and how it all went down. You may probably be eyeing that workmate opposite you. But would you consider having an office romance with him/her considering the baggage that comes with such a move? Considering the amount of time people spend at work it is little wonder if passion and excitement is found in the office. But such liaisons can be blissful or just a disaster waiting to happen. Let’s have a look at the good, the bad and the ugly of such camaraderie The good Maggie Nkatha says she would encourage such a relationship. “My marriage came from an office romance. This kind of romance is motivating in the workplace and also creates drive to work harder and better. The two of you spend more time after work and can deliberate on work issues and find solutions long after office hours,” she says. “If you can manage, go on. It’s a relationship like any other. Most importantly is to find a balance between work and romance. The bad Veronica Mumbi* complains about how their office secretary has been behaving since she started seeing the boss. “She is treating other employees inhumanely and the worse bit about it is that you cannot report her,” she says. “I wouldn’t want an office romance. I think I would get bored quickly because I will be seeing her in the office and still at home, she would be there too. If I am dating someone, I want to miss her and I feel an office romance will not give me that satisfaction. Furthermore I think it will fail at the end of the day,” explains Joseph Mwanzu Caroline Njambi says she cannot entertain such a relationship “If there are more beautiful ladies in the office and he compliments them, I will feel jealous and that may be the end of it.” The ugly Kevin Njenga* says he witnessed two of his workmates break up after such a relationship “When they finally broke up, there was enough gossip to last a week about each one of them. Consequently they were both fired since their performance dwindled,” he says. Sheila Awiti says she cannot dare be involved in this type of relationships “In my previous company, one female employee received a thorough beating from the boss’s wife. All this time she knew that the boss was married. The girl was humiliated and did not show up to work for a week. When she came back the boss fired her and told her that she was now a liability to the company,” she says. Would you engage in office romance?
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