The reason why I don't visit rich people........................................... Question: "What would you like to drink; fruit juice, soda, tea, milo, chocolate, or coffee?" Answer: "Tea please" Question: Ceylon tea, herbal tea, bush tea, honey bush tea, ice tea or green tea?" Answer: " Ceylon tea please" Question: "How would you like it? Black or white?" Answer: "White please" Question: "Milk, whitener, or condensed milk?" Answer: "Milk please" Question: ?Goat milk, camel milk or cow milk?" Answer: "Cow milk please." Question: "Freshian or Afrikaner Answer: "Afrikaner cow please." Question: ?Warm or cold?" Answer: ?Warm please." Question: ?Full cream, low fat or fat free?" Answer:"Umm ... I'll rather take it black please." Question:"Wouldyou like it with sweetener, sugar or honey?" Answer: "With sugar please." Question: "Beet sugar or cane sugar?" Answer: "Cane sugar please." Question:"White, brown or yellow sugar?" Answer: "Just forget about the tea. I'll have a glass of water instead please." Question: "Mineral or still water?? Answer: "Mineral water please.." Question:"Flavoured or non-flavoured?" Answer:"Hey, Just get me water from the river...I don't wanna know which river,and stop asking me too many questions.Subscribe to Kenyabittertruth Mobile Blog by Email
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