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By Dr Paul Bundi Human beings are endowed with remarkable resilience, which can only be broken when they choose to give up. Says Viktor Frankl in his seminal book, Man's Search for Meaning; ''it is a peculiarity of man that he can only live by looking to the future-sub specie aeternitatis. And this is his salvation in thd most difficult moments of his existence, although he sometimes has to force his mind to the task.'' Man's life is primarily driven by the desire for future, the unshakable belief that the future holds promise. We invariably cease to live when we think we have hit a dead end, or that there's nothing more to be had by living. Theoretically, there is no limit to man's achievement, and that is what drives men to wake up and strive day after day. The opposite is spiritual, psychological death, which manifests way ahead of physical death. Lesson? Losing today doesn't mean losing always. You can lose 10 times and win the 11th time. Or, you


As we have been persistently saying, something is amiss with our MCAs. They are the new face of greed and selfishness. They have tainted the title that they revere so much to be addressed by, mheshimiwa, and sunk too low and betrayed the very people who put them into those positions. Our constitution envisaged MCAs to be people of honour, selfless servants of the people and brave defenders of devolution. But events that have transpired in the recent past have depicted a grim picture of power-hungry and selfish folks who think they were elected to enrich themselves and make useless trips all over the world. One and half years after they were elected, they have little or nothing to show to the electorates saves for their trips abroad and fat allowances. A report released this week by the Controller of Budget Agnes Odhiambo shows that counties have spent most of their funds on pampering MCAs at the expense of development projects. In Meru county, we have seen them make noise all over the place while mwananchi continues to suffer. Meru County government has spent its Shs 6 billion on their salaries, allowances and unnecessary trips abroad while spending almost nothing on development. The only 'development' we have seen out of the 6 billion is 15 kongoni bulls worth Shs 200 million and tiling of the Tuskys stage in Meru town. How long will this plundering of our resources continue? What's the role of citizens in ensuring that our funds are spent prudently? Will our county experience any meaningful development under these people?
