Kenya constitution Article 145.(1) A member of the National Assembly, supported by at least 1/3 of all the members, may move a motion for the impeachment of the president a) on the ground of a gross violation of this constitution or of any other law; b) where there are serious for believing that the president has committed a crime under national or international law; Or c) for gross misconduct. Uhuru kenyatta has recently violated the constitution which he ought to protect as head of state. 1) Tribal appointments. 2) Dictorial directives to pay Anglo leasing 3) Allocation of more powers to county commisoners. The 3 issues raised herein are by and large in contravention of the constitution of the Republic of kenya and an urgent solution to safeguard the people's sovereignty must be exercised against the president who want to create a dictorial regime. The constitution demands that government appointments must reflect national outlook, no special tribe,race,family,religion or tradition in government appointments but Uhuru has secured his Kikuyu tribe as the only people for state prime jobs, tenders etc. In violation of the constitution. 2nd parliament few days ago passed an anonymous resolution denying government from paying Anglo leasing billions. By ordering the judiciary to pay amounts to insubordinationof parliament which's a 2nd arm of government, and most fundamentally now that the case has already been filled in the courts Uhuru has contrary gone against court orders, also undermining the judiciary the 3rd arm of government, all this amounts to GROSS MISCONDUCT a serious violation of the supreme law. 3rd Uhuru has gone ahead dictorially awarded unconstitutional offices non constitutional powers, as away of taming Governors who are the Executive officers, manded by the constitution through the kenyan people. Uhuru has vowed to kill devolution. County commissioners are now under strict instructions to frustrate governors and hamper development to help in diverting the minds of kenyans from a devolved system of government. No man or single office as per the constitution was supposed to have powers of singlehandedly appointing such highly ranked officers in government like county commissioners and keep on giving them power. Those responsibilities were designated to the kenyan people through the ballot. Uhuru has seriously violated the law and he must be shown the door. Our MCAs have shown us how to do it. Already 2 governors have been impeached. Its time for members from either houses to impeach Uhuru.