My fellow Kenyans, BABA IS COMING HOME!! Some of you look at CORD supporters with dismay. You find it incredulous that some of us, who are very highly educated, would swoon and get all excited, about a man's returning home. Let me help you understand.... Before the elections of 2007, i was not a supporter of R.H. Raila Odinga. For me, politics has never been about tribe. I don't belong to any of the major tribes of Kenya. My reasons are borne out of patriotism. I voted for Mwai Kibaki. When violence rocked the country, i foresaw a very dark future for us. Then the unbelievable happened....R.H. Raila Odinga gladly accepted the position of Prime Minister, and that's when my love for him was born..... Has any of us ever stopped for one moment, and asked themselves, ''If R.H. Raila Odinga had refused that post, and insisted that he must be president, what would have happened to us?''. One thing is for sure, thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands, would not be alive today. Uhuru Kenyatta would not be president today. William Ruto would not be deputy president. Mr. Kimaiyo would not be IG. I most probably would not be typing this update.... Bottom line: R.H. Raila Odinga saved many of us. He helped created many careers. He enabled the blossoming of many businesses. For crying out loud, we owe him a major moment of appreciation. That's why, even with our degrees, we do not feel any shame jumping up and down that BABA IS COMING HOME! That man has proven beyond any shadow of doubt that he is a patriot. He loves this country. He has PROVEN it. For that, i love him too, and always will. When a National Prayer Breakfast is held, and i don't see the faces of the opposition members, i shed a tear. If i could notice it, do you think God didn't? Did it really have God's Blessings? The president and his deputy must unite us. They must be patriots. They must swallow their pride, just as R.H. Raila Odinga did, and do the unbelievable. The president must be patriotic enough, and join me to welcome the R.H. Raila Odinga. The moment the president turns up at the airport to welcome BABA, the destiny of this country will change forever, for the better. History will remember Uhuru Kenyatta as the man who swallowed his pride for the sake of a Nation.That gesture will go a long way in uniting the Nation. It will go a long way to quell simmering tensions between tribes and political parties. The president must act presidential. We all recognise him as the president; no doubt about it. But what major move will he make that he will be remembered for? R.H. Raila Odinga's major move was in 2008. History will never forget that. BABA IS COMING HOME....Will you be there to welcome him? I sure will be.History remembers those who sacrificed a lot for the sake of humanity. History will remember R.H. Raila Odinga. How will history remember you, Mr. President?BY Baba Alex
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