It’s one since Dennis Itumbi or “Government Blogger” as he’s popularly referred to, has been in office as the Director for Digital, New Media and Diaspora Affairs for one year now and has seen a lot especially from his critics.He had this to say:-Over the last year my critics have multiplied, I write to say to them Thank You. I appreciate each of my critics - both those who do it because it is me and so there can be no good and those who sincerely believe am on the wrong path and therefore seek to right my walk. Perhaps, i need to disclose that like Paul my favourite author in the bible, i gave up the path of perfectionism long time ago. Everyday my focus is simple, implement ideas, complete tasks, innovate fresh ways of doing it, make someone else smile and complete the assignment with a picture of satisfaction for the user. Along that path and mission, mistakes will be made and corrected; omissions will happen. I shall not fear to make mistakes for I have the courage to correct them. I fear not the harsh words, bile or insults, they are easily overcome by corrections, apologies where necessary, and having the courage to take up the next assignment and learn from it.I say Thank You, because without you there is no progress. The fact that you find time to criticize even my spelling and thoughts can only mean that there is something am doing - right or wrong. I say Thank You because I have read ― Gustave Flaubert's beautiful book November, where he writes, “You need a high degree of corruption or a very big heart to love absolutely everything” Sincerely, I do not expect everyone to agree with me, that would be boring and would kill he very purpose of social media. If you come here to insult and dismiss expecting the same from me, be assured I will dissapoint you. Criticism should be contextual, to dismiss an update outside the topic is to be lame and whereas you will be allowed sometimes, other times you will be met with moderation as allowed by Social Media options. The best criticism is engagement and exchange. Soberness and logic. Facts will always dictate my engagement. Sincere critics will always be respected and appreciated. I claim no monopoly of right actions. There are those who say the Dennis of yesterday has been changed by position and power. Today I shall respond to you; First my life lessons came from herding cattle and living in slums, very tough classes that cannot be undone by an appointment however high it is governance structure. I still take milk - never replaced it with wine. I still drive myself - Never taken State drivers. I still watch people dance in that kawaida joint - no bodyguards around my circle. I am so in touch with my network and the shopkeeper who gave me credit in days gone by, still talks to me almost everyday updating me about Mtaani, in the villages spread across Kenya i keep a contact who still update me about a rise in milk pricing, a disease outbreak killing chicken in droves, the threat of drought, the effect of a directive, the illicit brew next door, the loud club that NEMA should move in and demand a volume reduction and even the wedding or funeral that is going to happen in the neighbourhood at sunrise. Hey i do not employ, but i get the cry everyday of that guy searching for a job and is almost giving up, i hand hope where I can i send opportunities for application and I try as much as I can to attend all functions I am invited to . Many have my personal number and through WhatsApp, SMS and calls we keep in touch, some handing in the public mood around them, some teaching me another Kenyan Language, Bosire in Nyamira sends me a Kisii word everyday and I am slowly learning. Benjamin Franklin said of his Critics, "Critics are our friends, they show us our faults" I agree only adding that t no time should critics force anyone to agree with them. It is for those criticised to weigh the criticism, engage, evaluate and action a corrective mechanism or a response. To those of us who are criticized, the best thing is to keep creating. without fresh creations critics will die. Create and listen to the criticism, but remember to create the next idea or product, otherwise there will be no fresh criticism. Critics do not weigh me down, they give me a reason to go on. Sincerely to imagine that my updates will be the same as at the time before my appointment is to miss the point presented by the word growth. The reason we grow is so that we can employ new ways of handling issues - I have said it before and i will emphasis, for the period I hold the Position that I do expect the best defence for GOK, the Presidency and promotion of opportunities within the structure of governance.

I shall not waiver on that, I will be strong and forthright, aggressive and repetitive, firm and shameless, courageous and determined; but most of all i shall be true to the wordings of Paul in his letter to the Phillipians and promote that which is True and noble. Philippians 4:8, "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Facts will always be my guide and defence, truth my sole editor and passion my drive in the promotion of government programmes and defence of its actions. I will never shy from criticizing what is wrong. Many times internally i express my take on issues and use your inbox messages and comments to back the position, sometimes in public i disagree with some policies and most importantly what I express in the boardroom remains there for that is the purpose of leadership. We may not always agree, but intellectual engagement and passionate discussions will always add more value than insults and negative criticism done out of context and sometimes based on raw rumour will ever do. Theodore Roosevelt said of critics, " "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” Dear Critics, those with good and sincere intent - Asante. For those who must critic and have a bank of insults - Asante. One more thing, when you have a moment at least buy me coffee and let me hear your solutions too. Be reminded, whether you call me sycophant or any other synonym I will not change my factual defence of issues and programmes of GOK and neither will I slow down on the Truth. I wrote you a note, because after a long silence, I am back online to counter rumour with fact. fake write ups with official documents. Gloom with hope by sharing tenders and jobs available and most importantly to ensure that the dream that made Jubilee is not sacrificed by the strategy to keep the government concentrated on crisis after crisis. The truth is the Government has achieved alot and it will be communicated constantly and continously, so dear critics have a field day but always remember every word on this note. The Transformation is on. Dated, Thursday, 22nd May 2014