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Interesting things to know about the towel

How often do you wash your towel? Some people wash once a week, while some, once a year. The towel is a fertile breeding ground for millions of microbes, especially those found on human skin and on the gut.  No wonder the towel is one of the objects that facilitate fecal-oral contamination (literally connecting the two ends of the gut).  Worse still, most people keep towels in the bathroom (near the toilet). Every flush of the toilet sends mist with millions of microbes, ranging from H.pylori,  salmonella and other deadly bacteria and viruses. When you wash your hands ready for a meal, and dry them with your body towel, there's high chance you are directly ingesting your fecal matter, or, if in a shared lavatory, someone else's faeces. Unless cleaned well, viruses such as human papillomavirus (causes warts, anal cancer and cervical cancer) can be transmitted when towels are shared with infected individuals. So, what to do? 1. Launder towels once a week. 2. Use hot water and det...

Kenya has to stand up and reexamine herself and correct the missteps she has made

we need not be politicians to make our country a better place to live in, just air your views positively for someone will hear you and help contribute positively for a better tomorrow for all of us.We yearn for a country where everyone is embraced and appreciated and celebrated. That is the Kenya our forefathers bequeathed us.But along the way, greed, corruption, incompetence and ineptitude has cropped in and destroyed our fabric. Let us all embrace one another as an indivisible. we owe no one an apology for what we believe is right and ought to be consumed by the general public. As a country, we have come a long way and we need to jealously guard the positive steps we have so far made,not forgetting to yearn for more. We are alive to the fact that there area some forces who would not want this country to move forward lest their territories are destroyed. We regard our country highly,and will contribute positively to her development through the laid down procedures enshrined in our robust constitution. This Constitution guarantees the freedom of the press, association a:nd other fundament'al human 'rights. In fact,Article 33 is pl:ain: and explicit. The same Article 33(2) is likewise clear and must be respected by all. As a Country, we must be wary of persons hellbent in reversing these gains.Any wanton destruction and/or denial of any is totally unacceptable.The media must also be at the forefront to inform the public as it ought to, not being a puppet of the powers that be,bringing mistrust and discontent at the expense of the reality. An inefficient media that is beholden to politically correct segment of the society is not good for any society worth its salt. Our Country need to stand up and reexamine herself and correct the missteps she has made .
