Have you ever wished you didn't have the parent that you have now.. You look at your friends, and they all seem to have perfect parents..the ideal parent. They seem to be the luckiest people on Earth..loving mum and caring Dad...they have the world at their feet. sure, everyone would want this type of family. If it were possible to do "parent exchange" like we do foreign exchange, then..you can be sure i would be the first to grab that opportunity. sorry to disappoint you..that doesnt exist. I had pondered so much about this issue..i remember nights when i would cry my eyes out, wishing i could live with another family for a change. I wished my friend's family was mine. I wished i could be allowed to do what others were doing.. i wanted freedom. i wished for my dream family...the family i had beautifully imagined in my head. Did that happen..? you know the answer. I spoke to one of my highly esteemed teachers, and these, she said; I believe my life is a story, written by the scriptwriter. Each pages had been written before we knew we exists. He knew us before we were formed. Our character flaws and deficiencies were not hidden from Him. God had a great idea..He wanted to create a unique being..extraordinary and outstanding. The best of his creation..YOU. He had you in mind. He had concieved in himself, the type of personality you'll have...whether choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholy. He had it all planned out. You are programmed with a great destiny. but, before you get there, you need some character trait. He knew that, if you should be placed in that seemingly good family..you'll never get there. You are a Golden vessel, not a wooden vessel. The test of fire makes fine Gold. The journey through the sea of fire which the Gold made, the wood cannot go half way. So, he thought..this is my child, my treasured vessel. she has to face challenges. she has to be put to a test. she needs discipline. and he searched for a family..a family with the qualities he needs for the gold-making process..And here you are, in that wonderful family. God doesnt hate you. He loves you more than you'll ever know. you have to cross the hurdle of challenges. you have to be disciplined. Accept your family, they are the best you can ever have. Always bear this in mind; YOU ARE GOLD...and the value of Gold is determined by the intensity of fire it has passed through... you are gold in the making.