By Steve Mukula
While other Nations of the world are busy overcoming their differences and coming together as trade blocks, African Nations are busy dismantling even the smallest of blocks which have taken many years to build; if the EAC cannot hold how will they convince the rest of Africa to unite and start exploiting their God given natural resources and trading among themselves?
53 natural wealth well endowed Nations are so busy fermenting childish quarrels, enhancing territorial differences and advancing threats of wars purely based on bloated egos of their tin god presidents as they keep their collective citizenry on perennial beggar status – What is even more painful to see,hear and witness is their citizens joining the fray to chest thump that they can do without their neighbours.
The truth is Kenya needs Tanzania and Tanzania needs Kenya and so do South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi DRC etc, all the citizens of good will from these Countries should be telling their leaders to engage each other and form very strong economic, trade, political, social blocks and challenge the West and East in the sales of raw materials, agricultural products, export of labour etc. -
With the kind of attitude we have will we not remain economic slaves till kingdom come?
While other Nations of the world are busy overcoming their differences and coming together as trade blocks, African Nations are busy dismantling even the smallest of blocks which have taken many years to build; if the EAC cannot hold how will they convince the rest of Africa to unite and start exploiting their God given natural resources and trading among themselves?
53 natural wealth well endowed Nations are so busy fermenting childish quarrels, enhancing territorial differences and advancing threats of wars purely based on bloated egos of their tin god presidents as they keep their collective citizenry on perennial beggar status – What is even more painful to see,hear and witness is their citizens joining the fray to chest thump that they can do without their neighbours.
The truth is Kenya needs Tanzania and Tanzania needs Kenya and so do South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi DRC etc, all the citizens of good will from these Countries should be telling their leaders to engage each other and form very strong economic, trade, political, social blocks and challenge the West and East in the sales of raw materials, agricultural products, export of labour etc. -
With the kind of attitude we have will we not remain economic slaves till kingdom come?