By Strive masiyiwa #Pause: A subject you must not fear if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur __"Mathematics allows for no hypocrisy and no vagueness" If you don’t know how to read accounts, you will end up at the witch doctor! I once knew an older gentleman who ran a very successful trading business [by the standards of his time]. He had shops, warehouses, farms, and a large family. Then the economy of the country began to slow down, and soon there was hyperinflation. The impact on his business did not come at once, but soon he was struggling, and he came to see me to unload and vent: “I don’t know where my money is going. People are stealing from me. I also suspect I have been bewitched.” Since we were related, I felt an obligation to try and help, so I asked him the following: “Would it be possible for me and you to sit down with your accountants, so I can get an understanding of your financials?” To which he answered: “I have a bookkeeper who keeps records for the tax...
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