The mountain isn't happy.Covid 19 virus has not only affected Thurakus' economically but also Matiangi's boys have denied them of their freedom. Nothing is easy as assuring a regretting and hopeless man a better tomorrow. Mr.Ruto got a PhD in this,sell an hustler narrative, give hope and you are assured of blind support from the struggling population,all with hope of a better tomorrow.Which will never come.Confuse,divide and get their support to propel you to the house at the hill.Later... exploit, attain self actualization and ensure your community gets freedom from perceived Kikuyu dominance. This will simply be achieved by selling a national cooked propaganda by the name"hustler" forgetting neither Kenyatta senior nor Moi not even Kibaki parents were known.Fortunately none of them sold this "Hitler" narrative to win presidency. Mr.Dp Dr Ruto,Wajinga ni wengi lakini wajinga wameisha Kenya.
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