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Interesting things to know about the towel

How often do you wash your towel? Some people wash once a week, while some, once a year. The towel is a fertile breeding ground for millions of microbes, especially those found on human skin and on the gut.  No wonder the towel is one of the objects that facilitate fecal-oral contamination (literally connecting the two ends of the gut).  Worse still, most people keep towels in the bathroom (near the toilet). Every flush of the toilet sends mist with millions of microbes, ranging from H.pylori,  salmonella and other deadly bacteria and viruses. When you wash your hands ready for a meal, and dry them with your body towel, there's high chance you are directly ingesting your fecal matter, or, if in a shared lavatory, someone else's faeces. Unless cleaned well, viruses such as human papillomavirus (causes warts, anal cancer and cervical cancer) can be transmitted when towels are shared with infected individuals. So, what to do? 1. Launder towels once a week. 2. Use hot water and det...

God is real; we make our own hell


I believe in the reality of God, and also one of his sons many people call Jesus, though that name was unknown until centuries after his death. Jesus was one of those privileged to have been given the task of reforming Judaism from the inside, and also to warn mankind, by his teachings, that the only path for human survival lay in observing the greatest commandment of them all, namely, the "Golden Rule", as interpreted by moral principles. It is no good to say, for example, that you can punch another person because you do not mind if they punch you in return, "you" being a giant and "they" being a 100-lb weakling. Such consent only obtains in, say, the boxing ring, and no penalty will be applied in such cases where each participant had agreed voluntarily to the inherent risks of confrontation. That brings me to the subject of hell. I believe hell is created by ourselves, and will be meted out one day without fail. Hell is experiencing exactly what we have done to other people. The biological computers of God can record feelings as well, and so anybody can be made to feel the exact physical and mental pain of a victim, by being resurrected, using their DNA, and made to experience the mental and physical pain of a victim as registered in the memory banks of a victim. The 'shottas' will feel the fear and pain of the victim; the slavemaster will feel the pain and fear, and even the loss of hope, and self-hate of the slave; the beheader will feel the exact pain and fear of the victim, and so will a hit-and-run driver. This is the true meaning of hell, which no one can escape, believer or unbeliever. Being a member of a church has nothing to do with this process, nor is "believing" in Jesus, only actions count. Heavenly advocates who are higher spiritual models, such as Jesus and many others, will act as advocates in particular cases, especially in the case of, say, unaware innocents such as a child playing with matches and burning down a house, thereby killing people. Other than those circumstances, where one is totally unaware of the moral implications, of one's actions, everyone must face his/her own actions. Many will be deemed totally worthless and their body and soul destroyed after they undergo the judgement. Current world leaders and their warmonger underlings, who are even now planning actions which will lead to WWIII, will envy the fate of a beggar after they face judgement and experience the agony of multiple victims, serially, and know they will also then be completely destroyed. After WWIII, the earth will be unfit for human life for even up to 1,000 years. Mutants will be destroyed, and those "saved" by virtue of their adherence to proper principles which man's giant brain has enabled him to appreciate, if not observe (equity, fairness, goodwill to all fellow humans, and compassion) will be evacuated from the holding planet on which they were temporarily housed (and a relatively few on the planet of heaven itself) and returned to the blue planet to exist in a paradise made for the righteous by the Lords of heaven.
